Am I back?

I can’t believe it been so long…

I can’t believe that a year can fly like the wind through the trees. how easy time and space can  get away from you. I’ve done so much at FDU in the last year that I don’t even know where to start. I got an internship at this up and coming blog, and I thought.. hey why not tell the world what is going on with me? I’ll be soon switching to a different voice for my internship so I am glad that I still have this so I can keep my own voice to the world. I’ve still been writing poetry, but not much and opened my options into more of the entrepreneurial field, where I am running organizations and events that are bigger than I thought I would be. I’ve finally met my mentor( there are a few but one comes to mind) that I absolutely love and supports me with whatever I do. I can’t really believe how small and naive I was when I first started this blog. How so much has changed and how I’ve changed. I mean there are things I personally need to work on ( like relaxing.. I’m doing this in the middle of class don’t mind me) and having better time management. I never know when it’s time to get a planner, when do they start and when does it come to the day  where you say.. today is the day I become an adult and get a planner. I thought an “Oh SHIT” moment was when I had to get my business cards for the first time. Or I thought it was when I put  on my first suit jacket and rocked it at interviews in lounges or coffee shops. But I think it’s the time when you have to get a planner.. like a real one.. with the black fo- leather on the front you maybe  will make you  an adult.

I am not ready for this…

We’ll talk soon.


Lemme know what you think :)