Your Failed Attempt.

I hate you

I hate  every ounce of your being

From your chipped nail polish on your big toe

To your crooked cartilage piercing

You just had to do yourself.

I hate how I can’t get over the fact that

You’re happy at all.

Or that you’re  even alive

Breathing in the same world I am.

You did the unthinkable

The unacceptable act

That for a normal person

Wouldn’t have ever

Crossed their mind.

So now I sit here



Scared for what you are going to do next.

For the next jab in the heart

And laugh at the end.

But I will patiently wait


Contemplate on

What you think will hurt me

Even more than this.

But trust me

Nothing in your wildest dreams

Will ever compare

or even come close

to what you’ve already done.

Living life in the truth is harder than living your life through lies.
